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Press Release

September 09, 2019

CMS World Summit 2019: Crash course for the future

The main theme of ’Inject Innovation’ gives decision-makers from the global cleaning industry the opportunity to exchange knowledge at the highest level

The who’s who of the European associations will be represented on 25 and 26 September in Berlin

On 25 and 26 September the focus of the CMS World Summit 2019 will be on the challenges, opportunities and risks facing the global cleaning industry. Taking as its main theme ’Inject Innovation’, the two-day conference on 25 and 26 September will gather the cleaning industry’s decision-makers and creative thinkers from all over the world in Berlin. The conference is sponsored by Europe’s leading industry associations: the European Cleaning and Facility Services Industry (EFCI), the European Engineering Industries Association (EUnited) and the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.). This high-level exchange of information will address the challenges, opportunities and risks involved with digitalisation and sustainability in the cleaning industry and will consider the dominant themes, such as the circular economy and artificial intelligence. The CMS World Summit 2019 forms part of the International Cleaning Trade Fair CMS Berlin 2019 – Cleaning.Management.Services. (24 - 27 Sept.) and will take place in Hall 6.3 on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Tickets cost 600 euros, which also includes admission to the CMS Berlin 2019. Registration at

Heike Hemmer, project director of CMS at Messe Berlin: “Sustainability and digitalisation are ever-present in the cleaning industry as major trend-setting factors. AI is the topic on everyone’s lips. With the CMS World Summit 2019 Messe Berlin is providing the international cleaning community with a crash course for the future. The format offers a wealth of opportunities for an individual exchange of information. The programme of papers and discussions ensures a transfer of knowledge at the highest level.”

The aspects covered on 25 September under the main heading of ‘Cleanliness and Hygiene in a Sustainable World’ are ‘Challenges AI: Opportunities and Risks’, ‘Circular Economy – Strategies in the Cleaning Industry’, ‘Work 4.0 – Setting the Course for the Future of Employee Development’ and ‘Power Pricing / Price Management’. In conclusion there will be a panel discussion on the subject of ‘Fair Award Criteria of Cleanliness and Hygiene in the General Contracting Practice – How to Do It?’

The main theme on 26 September, ‘Future Technologies and Business Possibilities’ examines a number of issues including ‘Managing Disruptions and Challenges in the Digital Transformation’ Future technologies and business opportunities for the cleaning industry will be outlined firstly from the viewpoint of Microsoft, with a focus on the IoT and digitalisation, and then from the aspect of AI strategy by appliedAI. HERE Technologies will place the emphasis on concrete digital solutions. The CMS World Summit 2019 will conclude with a panel discussion entitled ‘Inject Innovation: Cleaning 4.0 – We Create Future’.

Additional information:

CMS World Summit 2019 an overview

Subject to alteration, Details correct as of: 09 September 2019

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Cleanliness and Hygiene in a Sustainable World

2 – 2.30 p.m. Opening and greetings

• Juan Díez de los Ríos de San Juan, President, EFCI

• Markus Asch, President, EUnited Cleaning

• Dr. Susanne Zänker, Director General, A.I.S.E.

• Dr. Christian Göke, CEO Messe Berlin GmbH

2.30 – 3 p.m. Opening speech – The Challenge of AI: Opportunities and Risks.

• Peter Schaar, Chairman, European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (EAID); former Federal Data Protection Commissioner (retd.)

“With automated decision-making processes and self-learning machines, digitisation has reached a new level of quality. Companies, customers and employees are all affected. How can the challenges associated with the use of AI systems be overcome? Which guidelines and rules must be observed?”

3 – 3.30 p.m. Panel Discussion: Circular Economy – Strategies in the Cleaning Industry

• Dr. Peter Hug, Director, EUnited

• Isabel Yglesias i Julià, Executive Director, EFCI

• Dr. Susanne Zänker, Director General, A.I.S.E.

3.30 – 4 p.m. Networking coffee / Communication break

4 – 4.30 p.m. ‘Work 4.0 – Setting the Course for the Future of Employee Development’

• Dr. Axel Korge, Fraunhofer IAO

“Digitisation and global competition will change the way companies work far more than has been the case so far. These developments will be reinforced by demographic change and new values in society. Despite innovative technology, people will move even more into the centre of the agile company. This presentation will work out what will change in the near future and show how companies can prepare for it.”

4.30 – 5 p.m. Who dares wins: Profitable growth through ‘Power Pricing’ methods

• Thomas Beducker, Partner at Simon-Kucher & Partners

“Profitable growth is a constant management task. While in the past it was mostly cost optimization measures that secured the profit contribution, market-side revenue levers such as pricing are currently moving more into focus. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the high catch-up potential of this revenue lever (e.g. historically grown unreflected price structures, cost instead of value orientation of prices, undifferentiated annual price increases) and, on the other hand, the increased market requirements (price and value transparency, multichannel, globalization, digitization). The lecture takes up this balancing act and shows how pricing potentials can be specifically identified and structurally leveraged.”

5 – 5.45 p.m. Panel discussion: Fair Award Criteria of Cleanliness and Hygiene in the General Contracting Practice – How to do It?

• Åsa Degerman, Member of the Reference Group of the Swedish Circular Economy Delegation, appointed by the Swedish Government

• Paul Shi, Managing director of ACCESS, China

• Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Torben Bernhold, Director of the Masters Course, Real Estate and Facility Management, Professor for Real Estate Management and Real Estate Economics, Department of Oecotrophology · Facility Management, FH Münster

• Stefan Schwan, Head of Facility Services Division ENGIE Deutschland GmbH

• Thomas Beducker, Partner at Simon-Kucher & Partners

5.45 – 6 p.m. Concluding Remarks

• Dr. Peter Hug, Director EUnited Cleaning

• Moderator: Cathy Smith

6 – 10 p.m. CMS World Summit Night

Venue: Marshall-Haus

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Future Technologies and Business Possibilities

10 – 10.30 a.m. Networking Business Breakfast

10.30 - 11 a.m. Keynote subject: Managing Disruptions and Challenges in Digital Transformation

• Oliver Tian, Immediate Past President of the Singapore Industrial Automation Association

“Digital transformations have been known to introduce disruptions in business processes and workforce competency. Even the most conservative industries are not spared. This presentation aims to shed light on the challenges and how to circumvent them, and prepare management and the workforce to stay relevant and resilient in the transformation journey.”

11 – 11.30 a.m. What Will Shape the Future of Cleaning?

• Christoph Berlin, Principal Group Program Manager and Proprietor, Manufacturing in the Azure IoT Engineering Division of Microsoft Corporation

“Digital transformation promises dramatically improved business outcomes through the power of accurate, actionable information. Far from being an ivory-tower goal for tech giants, it opens a practical opportunity for everyday business. This presentation will describe Microsoft’s approach to Digital Transformation, the power of contextual insights by leveraging Digital Twins and how to apply knowledge in business context.”

11.30 a.m. – 12 midday. Cleaning as a use case for Indoor Navigation

• Denis Shamanin, Senior Product Manager at HERE Technologies

“Outdoor/indoor maps and localization open up new possibilities for the cleaning industry and facility management.

On the one hand they can help to track the cleaning machines outside and inside buildings and help the cleaners with outdoor/indoor navigation, on the other hand they open up the possibility to make the work of facility management and cleaning service providers more effective. The lecture explains the exciting connection between two industries and talks about the most suitable technology approaches.”

12 midday – 12.45 p.m.: Networking Lunch break

12.45 –1.15 p.m. Digitalisation in buildings as a chance!

• Frank Schröder, Head of Facility Management, PHOENIX CONTACT Electronics GmbH

“Intelligent buildings will be an integral part of smart cities in the future. If they are intelligently networked and integrated into the overall concept, the buildings can contribute to an efficient, stable and economical city concept - for example as storage facilities or consumers in the field of energy supply. However, such an approach requires the digitalization of the building industry. The data points are condensed into meaningful information. On this basis, building processes can be managed and optimized. The resulting data transparency opens up many more integration possibilities - from area networks to smart cities.

With Building IoT, we are transforming global megatrends - such as Industry 4.0, Big Data and Data Analytics - into intelligent supply processes for building technology in the sense of a networked energy landscape.”

1.15 – 1.45 p.m. Creating value from AI in the cleaning industry - approaching AI strategically

• Philipp Hartmann, Head of Strategy appliedAI/UnternehmerTUM

“From the autonomous cleaning machine to demand-oriented cleaning - there are countless future scenarios of how artificial intelligence (AI) will influence the cleaning industry. But what does this mean in concrete terms for companies? How do they have to approach the topic of AI strategically in order to create sustainable value? The lecture shows pitfalls that companies should avoid when implementing AI and gives an introduction to the development of an AI strategy.”

1.45 – 2.45 p.m. Panel discussion: Inject Innovation. Cleaning 4.0 – We create future!

• Markus Asch, President, EUnited Cleaning

• Markus Stojan, Vice President Business Development Professional Hygiene, Essity GmbH

• Stan Doobin, President, Harvard Maintenance

• Thomas Dietrich, Federal Guild Association of the Cleaning Trade

• Jürg Brechbühl, President of Allpura – Association of Swiss Cleaning Companies

2.30 –3 p.m. Resumé and closing remarks

• Dr. Peter Hug, Director EUnited Cleaning

• Moderator: Cathy Smith

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