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Your virtual meeting platform
The community platform CMS Plus connects companies, industry representatives and media around the topic of cleaning and hygiene.
Future-oriented, interactive and international, CMS Plus together with CMS Berlin 2023 forms the duo for your success.
What‘s in it for you?

Your benefits at a glance
Throughout the year CMS Plus offers you
+ increased industry presence and scope
+ more possibilities for interaction
+ more community
+ more smart networking through matching
+ more business contacts

Throughout the year CMS Berlin Plus gives you more possibilities for presenting your company, your brands and your products, and for placing them in the spotlight at our selected themed events, the CMS Plus Updates.

Join the CMS Berlin Community! Take advantage of the AI-programmed platform to start business with potential customers. Use your Company Card to showcase your products and present your key account contacts to foster an interactive dialogue with all platform users.

Ihr Plus auf einen Blick
CMS Plus bietet Ihnen unterjährig
+ mehr Branchenpräsenz und Reichweite
+ mehr Interaktion
+ mehr Community
+ mehr smartes Netzwerken durch Matching
+ mehr Businesskontakte
+ mehr Ideen und Impulse für Ihr Business
+ mehr Wissenstransfer und Austausch
+ mehr Flexibilität

Nutzen Sie das Plus der CMS Berlin an vielfältigen Präsentationsmöglichkeiten, um Ihr Unternehmen, Ihre Marken und Ihre Produkte unterjährig und zu unseren ausgewählten Themenevents, den CMS Plus Updates, ins Rampenlicht zu stellen!

Join the CMS Berlin Community! Take advantage of the AI-programmed platform to start business with potential customers. Use your Company Card to showcase your products and present your key account contacts to foster an interactive dialogue with all platform users.
What‘s in it for you?

Find and be found! Our matchmaking service offers our trade visitors an opportunity to create their own specific visitor profiles and to publish them at CMS Plus.
Based on common interests, the AI-programmed platform helps you find the right contacts and companies, set appointments and videocalls with just one click.

CMS Plus enables you to make contact with all participants and speakers on the platform. All you have to do is use the available audio/video calls or the chat function.
Make appointments, receive invitations to a round table, check companies and people‘s profiles for detailed information and become an active networker!

CMS Plus offers new and creative formats for the business of today and beyond.
This is the focal point and the media hub for specific industry topics and solutions.

Find and be found! Our matchmaking service offers our trade visitors an opportunity to create their own specific visitor profiles and to publish them at CMS Plus.
Based on common interests, the AI-programmed platform helps you find the right contacts and companies, set appointments and videocalls with just one click.

CMS Plus enables you to make contact with all participants and speakers on the platform. All you have to do is use the available audio/video calls or the chat function.
Make appointments, receive invitations to a round table, check companies and people‘s profiles for detailed information and become an active networker!

CMS Plus offers new and creative formats for the business of today and beyond.
This is the focal point and the media hub for specific industry topics and solutions.